
15 October 2014

Entrepreneur to Sell domain for $150,000

A self-proclaimed “domain entrepreneur” is planning on selling the domain for $150,000.

The man, Jon Schultz, specializes in buying disease domains and selling them for large amounts of money.

In addition to the domain, Daily Mail reports that Schultz also owns:,,,,, and others.

He bought the Ebola domain 4 years ago for $13,500 and has been waiting for the right opportunity to sell it, and according to him, that time is now – in the midst of the current Ebola epidemic.

“ would be a great domain for a pharmaceutical company working on a vaccine or cure, a company selling pandemic or disaster-preparedness supplies, or a medical company wishing to provide information and advertise services” Schultz said. 

Some have accused him of taking advantage of a tragedy, but he has denied the allegations, saying that doctors do the same.

“You could say the same thing about doctors.  They can become very well-off treating very sick patients. 

Besides we have sacrificed a couple of thousands in parking page income to put up links about Ebola on the site. And people can also donate to Doctors Without Borders at the site,” he said.