The turbaned gunmen who infiltrated Nairobi's Westgate
mall arrived with a set of religious trivia questions: As terrified
civilians hid in toilet stalls, behind mannequins, in ventilation shafts
and underneath food court tables, the assailants began a high-stakes
game of 20 Questions to separate Muslims from those they consider
A 14-year-old boy saved himself by jumping off the mall's roof, after
learning from friends inside that they were quizzed on names of the
Prophet Muhammad's relatives. A Jewish man scribbled a Quranic scripture
on his hand to memorize, after hearing the terrorists were asking
captives to recite specific verses. Numerous survivors described how the
attackers from al-Shabab, a Somali cell which recently joined al-Qaida,
shot people who failed to provide the correct answers.
Their chilling accounts, combined with internal al-Shabab documents
discovered earlier this year by The Associated Press, mark the final
notch in a transformation within the global terror network, which began
to rethink its approach after its setbacks in Iraq. Al-Qaida has since
realized that the indiscriminate killing of Muslims is a strategic
liability, and hopes instead to create a schism between Muslims and
everyone else, whom they consider "kuffar," or apostates.
"What this shows is al-Qaida's acknowledgment that the huge masses of
Muslims they have killed is an enormous PR problem within the audience
they are trying to reach," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, director of the
Center for the Study of Terrorist Radicalization. "This is a problem
they had documented and noticed going back to at least Iraq. And now we
see al-Qaida groups are really taking efforts to address it."
The evolution of al-Shabab is reflected in a set of three documents
believed to be written by the terrorist group, and found by the AP in
northern Mali earlier this year. They include the minutes of a
conference of 85 Islamic scholars, held in December 2011 in Somalia, as
well as a summary of fatwas they issued last year after acceptance into
the al-Qaida fold.
Baptized with the name al-Shabab, meaning The Youth, in 2006, the
group began as an extremist militia, fighting the government of Somalia.
As early as 2009, it began courting al-Qaida, issuing recordings with
titles like, "At Your Service Osama."
Until the Westgate attack, the group made no effort to spare Muslim
civilians, hitting packed restaurants, bus stations and a government
building where hundreds of students were awaiting test results. And
until his death in 2011, Osama bin Laden refused to allow Shabab into
the al-Qaida network, according to letters retrieved from his safehouse
in Pakistan. The letters show that the terror leader was increasingly
troubled by regional jihadi operations killing Muslim civilians.
In a letter to Shabab in 2010, bin Laden politely advised the
Somali-based fighters to review their operations "in order to minimize
the toll to Muslims." Shabab did not get the green light to join
al-Qaida until February 2012, almost a year after bin Laden's death.
In an email exchange this week with The Associated Press, it made its
intentions clear: "The Mujahideen carried out a meticulous vetting
process at the mall and have taken every possible precaution to separate
the Muslims from the Kuffar before carrying out their attack." However,
even at Westgate, al-Shabab still killed Muslims, who were among the
more than 60 civilians gunned down inside.
Their attack was timed to coincide with the highest traffic at the
upscale mall after 12:30 p.m. on Sept. 21, a Saturday. More than 1,000
people, including diplomats, pregnant women with strollers and foreign
couples, were inside when the fighters armed with grenades and AK-47s
burst in and opened fire. At first the attack had the indiscriminate
character of all of Shabab's previous assaults.
Rutvik Patel, 14, was in the aisles at Nakumatt, the mall's
supermarket which sells everything from plasma TVs to imported kiwis,
when he heard the first explosion. "They started shooting continuously,
and whoever died, died," he said. "Then it became calm and they came up
to people and began asking them some questions. If you knew the answer,
they let you go," he said. "They asked the name of the Prophet's mom.
They asked them to sing a religious verse."
Just across from the Nakumatt supermarket, a 31-year-old Jewish
businessman was cashing a check inside the local Barclays branch when
he, too, heard the shooting. The people there ran to the back and shut
themselves in the room with the safe, switching off the lights. They
learned, via text messages, that the extremists were asking people to
recite an Arabic prayer called the Shahada.
"One of the women who was with us got a text from her husband saying,
they're asking people to say the Islamic oath, and if you don't know
it, they kill you," said the businessman, who insisted on anonymity out
of fear for his safety.
He threw away his passport. Then he downloaded the Arabic prayer and wrote it on his palm.
Al-Shabab's attempts to identify Muslims are clear in the 16-page
transcript from the conference of Islamic scholars held in the Somali
town of Baidoa, an area known to be under Shabab control in 2011,
according to Somalia specialist Kenneth Menkhaus, a political science
professor at Davidson College in North Carolina. The scholars issued
several fatwas defining exactly who was a Muslim and who was an
The document states it is halal, or lawful, to kill and rob those who
commit crimes against Islam: "The French and the English are to be
treated equally: Their blood and their money are halal wherever they may
be. No Muslim in any part of the world may cooperate with them in any
way. ... It leads to apostasy and expulsion from Islam," it says.
Further on it adds: "Accordingly, Ethiopians, Kenyans, Ugandans and
Burundians are just like the English and the French because they have
invaded the Islamic country of Somalia."
Former FBI supervisory special agent Ali Soufan, who investigated the
bombing of the United States embassies in East Africa as well as the
attack on the USS Cole, said that the gathering of dozens of religious
scholars in an area under Shabab control harkens back to an al-Qaida
conference in Afghanistan around 1997. That conference defined America
as a target, Soufan said, leading to the bombing of American embassies
in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
"You see something very similar here," said Soufan. "It's the same playbook."
In a second document dated Feb. 29, 2012 — just two weeks after
al-Shabab joins al-Qaida — the organization warns Muslims to stay away
from buildings occupied by non-Muslims, chillingly predicting and
justifying the death of Muslims at Westgate.
"And so all Muslims must stay far away from the enemy and their
installations so as not to become human shields for them, and so as not
to be hurt by the blows of the mujahedeen directed at the Crusader
enemies," it says. "There is no excuse for those who live or mingle with
the enemies in their locations."
Yet at the same time it says: "The mujahideen are sincere in wanting
to spare the blood of their brother Muslims, and they don't want a
Muslim to die from the bullets directed at the enemies of God."
This is a concession for an organization that since its inception had
killed people constantly, said Rudolph Atallah, who tracked Shabab as
Africa counterterrorism director in the Office of the Secretary of
Defense from 2003 to 2007.
"They would just go and mow people down," Atallah said. "They are now
sending a clear message that, 'Look, we're different ... We're no
longer indiscriminately killing. We're protecting innocent Muslims and
we are trying to kill quote-unquote 'infidels,' nonbelievers."
A similar tactic paid off in January after al-Qaida-linked terrorist
Moktar Belmoktar attacked a gas installation in Algeria, Atallah said.
When his fighters freed hundreds of Muslim employees, a Facebook page
dedicated to him exploded with "Likes."
Several hours after the gunshots at Westgate Mall, the people
cowering inside the Barclays bank heard a commotion. As the attackers
approached, the Jewish businessman spit on his hand to erase the words
he had by then committed to memory.